Rex zips around. Husband, father, clergy, runner, photographer, productivity aficionado. Lives in small-town Oklahoma but works in Downtown OKC. Collecting hobbies is my hobby.

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Onboarding a Kid

A dad and his daughter running.

My daughter has taken up running and it makes my heart happy! I’m a collector of hobbies, some stick, some fall away after a few months. Running stuck.

I’ve trained for several years and my family has watched how it’s transformed me, not just physically. Now, my daughter is in the process of catching the bug and having her train and run with me has been a gift. I’m onboarding her into healthy practices. This entails slowing down to speed up.

We ran a 5k together over the weekend and hope to put a few more medals around our necks in the next few years!

A Little Pain, Some Gain

Arcadia Trail Run Map
Arcadia Trail Run Map

After a week of rain and running indoors at the gym, I hit the trails today. It was surprisingly dry out there under the tree cover. The deer were out and about, ran into four, and ran with two for quite some time until they found a place to hop the fence.

I plugged all my 2024 races into Garmin Connect and am having the watch build my training plan day by day. Last night, I went to bed with a threshold run scheduled, had a bad night's sleep, and the watch changed it to be a 54-minute base run with a goal heart rate of 135. Good call, little Garmin watch.

It was cool and still in the woods, which helped keep my heart rate down. My legs felt strong, and my feet were about average. I experienced a little pain in my right heel and my left post-tib. I experienced some pain in the cuboid bones of each foot. I hope this is due to the inflammation from doing my foot exercises earlier today.

This was my first training day for my A Race, a half marathon in November. The goal for November’s race is to shave one minute and 52 seconds off my last half for a 1:35.

This half, plus the various 5k and 10k races I’ll do this year, will prepare me to try for a Boston Qualifier (3:20 marathon) mid-2025 or early 2026. Here’s to staying healthy and building strong!

Z2 Trail Run at Sunset

In June 2023, I tore my posterior tibial tendon. The surgeon told me I wasn’t even going to have an opportunity to run again unless I had surgery. After I asked the odds of running post-surgery, they gave me a one-in-five shot and a one-in-ten shot to return to my previous form. She referred me to her colleague for a “last ditch” effort, and his regimen got me back on track!

Today was my first 5k back, and it feels great to be building from this base.

23:15 = 7:28 pace

46 of 661 Overall

4th in Age Group

In a departure from my usual trail runs, I hit the mean streets of Guthrie, America. This was a low heart rate shakeout run, and I feel good. Tomorrow is my race team's first event of the year, the Lucky Coyote 5k, at a local craft beer house.

Rebuilding from my injury last June has been long and painful. According to the doctor, I'm good to go, but my brain is holding me back, and I have doubts that the tendon is ready to take the abuse from my feet hitting the pavement. What a mind game.

Last year, at this time, I was at my peak. I came in first in my age group, first overall in the masters category, and fourth place overall with a 20:22 5k. Even thinking about holding a 6:33-mile pace seems way out of reach this season, but I'm determined to build back.

Tomorrow's race will be about enjoying the atmosphere, seeing friends, and picking up the pace just a little bit to start building back some confidence.

Hit the trail on the warmest day we’ve had this year. The heat increased my heart rate, but I felt good, so I pushed hard for the last mile and a half. Joining the Knees Over Toes Guy’s ATG training app has been my best move in the last several months. Usually, after hitting the trails hard, I’d deal with some nagging hamstring and tailbone soreness, especially after sitting on the drive home for 20-30 minutes—no soreness or stiffness whatsoever today. I’ve been working out for a while and doing a lot of strength training, but this style of training that focuses on lengthened muscle movement has changed my running and recovery. I’ll go into more detail in a post soon. I also think the flow rope training for running has helped keep my body feeling more fluid. I’m almost 50, so anything that helps me avoid stiffness is worth it.

036 Embracing Imperfection - The Drive from the Trail Home Podcast

I've been thinking a lot about embracing imperfection. My drive for 100% completion of training plans has only left me burnt out or, worse, injured.

Today, I hit the entry gate to run the trails, ready to run 10k before a meeting later. I received a call from my wife, and there was a minor emergency I needed to speak with her about. It took time, but I was patient and focused on what was truly important. My 10k became a 5k, and that is okay.

I've finally realized that I’ll be a better runner if I can get it right 80% of the time. If I eat well 80% of the time, I'll be healthy and have solid energy for life. If I get 80% of my strength training, I'll be stronger in just a few months.

A 20-minute walk is better than no walk at all. A 5k is better than no run at all. Dump the perfectionism. Ditch the judgemental attitudes we hold against ourselves. The benefits of adopting this mindset extend far beyond our physical health. Psychologically, accepting imperfection can dramatically reduce stress and anxiety. It fosters a kinder inner dialogue and builds resilience. Physically, it encourages a more balanced and enjoyable relationship with your health.

This sustainable approach means you’re more likely to stick with your routine long-term, adapting as your life and needs change. It transforms fitness and health from a chore into a joyful part of your life.

Listen to me talk more about this on the podcast episode I recorded today!